Friday, June 17, 2011

The path to Zero Net Energy – Part One: Seeing the whole system

The first step in our green masterplan for St Elmo was one we take very deliberately in all our projects:

It is to carefully analyze the existing conditions and identify ALL opportunities for improvement - making it a point to look beyond the requests immediately put in front of us by the client.

In this case, we knew there was more to this project than the call for a solar system. The underlying, far more complex desire of the Village was to become a model for a sustainable community.
Consequently, our analysis included all the ways in which we humans affect our environment, and determine how sustainable our existence really is:
  • Water Use  (domestic and landscaping),
  • Energy Use  (for machinery and daily use),
  • Material Use  (resources),
  • Climate  (heating+cooling), 
  • Food  (production and surplus), 
  • Waste  (treated as a resource), 
  • Community Dynamics  (teaching, learning and sharing)

“You can’t just look at one aspect of anything and really get a true understanding of it. You need to look at all aspects.”
Scott Pittman, Founder of the Permaculture Institute

[ to be continued ]